Spring Update has arrived!

Long time, no blog! In this case, it’s a good thing, since I’ve been busy! Since the last post, the initial set of combat skills has been finished up, the Duel Arena and Duels have been added, a new city and new maps are in, and two new dungeons are ready to be explored! In addition to all of that, the world has transitioned from winter to spring, and that means that many old areas are much more colorful and rejuvenated! There are also some new items to craft and new quests to complete, so look around and you may find some new things!

First Rain of Spring
It’s raining! Take cover!

Expect some cool things in the coming weeks, such as new items only obtainable from treasure chests that you’ll soon be able to find and unlock! Tune into the People Powered Games Twitch channel to follow the progress! See you there!